

6th ALBATTS Partnership meeting in Porto, Portugal

By mid-September, we gathered in Porto for the 6th ALBATTS Partnership meeting. All work package leaders were present, as well as most partners. Those who were not able to travel participated via conference calls.


The meeting consisted of one preparation day and two days of work sessions. The group also had the opportunity to visit the Materials for Energy Research Laboratory of Porto’s Faculty of Engineering, the Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, the Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials (CeNTI). A smaller delegation visited the municipality of Mangualde, an innovative training centre and local industrial plants, including Stellantis.


During this period the consortium partners discussed the achievements of the project so far and shared their plans for the next few months and project extension period, leading to the end. 


The first day was dedicated to the orchestration of days 2 and 3 by the coordination core team (WPLM).


Day 2 started with a joint meeting where our coordinator Anders Norberg talked about the current state of the art of the project, followed by presentations by the work package leaders on specifics related to the work they have been doing. In the end, our coordinator presented his vision for the strategy towards the end of ALBATTS and brainstormed on the collective way to roll-out the results. 


In the afternoon of day 2, the different work pages held parallel working sessions, building on the conclusions reached at the previous joint meeting. 


Day 3 was dedicated to consolidate the plans for the future, given that the project will come formally to an end by the end of 2023, although continuing with an extension to finalise the piloting of training courses.

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