work packages
The management of the project has been designed around three governance functions:
- Steering Board – provides strategic industrial direction
- Project Coordination – governance and quality assurance
- Work Package Leaders Meeting (WPLM) – delivery and first level decision making
These functions are serviced by a Steering Board Leader (Steering Board), Project Technical Manager (Project Technical Coordination, WPLB) and an Administrative & Finance Project Management (Project Coordination).
The project activities are structured into six work packages, constructed to allow effective delivery of the project aims.
Work Package 1
Project management, quality and evaluation
The objective of this WP is to ensure the project is conducted on time, according to the budget and directed towards the overall project objectives. This includes technical project coordination, management of financial aspects especially the project funding, legal aspects and any IP handling
Coordination of the technical activities of the project and linking together all project components.
The overall legal, contractual, ethical, financial and administrative management.
Maintaining communication with the European Commission and each partner.
Coordination of knowledge management and other innovation-related activities in connection with dissemination & exploitation
Establishing and maintaining conflict resolution and management of strategic orientation of the project.

Work Package 2
The objective of WP 2 is to ensure that the actions, results and outcomes of the project reach targeted audience, cover the project overall objectives and are within budget allocation.
- Ensure the appropriate visibility and wide dissemination of the work of the Alliance, by enhancing the profile of the project with the EU institutions, European countries’ national government offices and Brussels-based stakeholders;
Establish a stakeholder’s database to guarantee wide reaching in the battery sector, supporting WP3 in the Sectoral intelligence;
Create a portfolio of relevant projects dealing with battery technologies;
Establish ways on how the roll-out will be implemented at national and/or regional levels with relevant governmental and sectoral authorities’ engagement, backing WP4;
Provide a vision for how the activities of the Blueprint SSA will be sustained and developed at the end of the project
Create for ALBATTS a social media strategy and link its networks with the relevant existing social media platforms in so that key notes and interviews will be posted

Work Package 3
Sectoral Intelligence
The objective of WP 3 is to deliver Sectoral Intelligence WP3, including skills needs, training needs and technologies. Specifically, current and future skills required for research and development of batteries, applications (stational, mobile, and other industrial).
- Identify skill needs and propose skill solutions covering the main levels of battery value chain.
Create a skilled workforce that can make European industry a competitive player in the area of battery production and enable Europe to become an attractive working location for highly-skilled experts in batteries development and production.

Work Package 4
Intelligence in Stationary and Industrial Battery Applications (ISIBA)
This work package will be focused on sub-sector the Intelligence in Stationary and Industrial Battery Applications, focusing on its key principles like Currently known technologies and applications, Screening of possible future technologies, Screening of skills/jobs etc.
- Creation of stakeholders’ database and active stakeholders in sub-sector
Desk Research and Data Analysis for application sub-sector
Future Needs and Sectoral Intelligence definition

Work Package 5
Intelligence in Mobile Battery Applications (IMBA)
This Work package will be focused on sub-sector the Intelligence in Mobile Battery Applications. The core part of this WP will be investigating of life cycle of Intelligence in Mobile Applications, specifically Raw Materials and Processing, Cells components and manufacturing, Battery and Battery pack manufacturing, Recycling or second use.
- Creation of stakeholders’ database and active stakeholders in sub-sector
Desk Research and Data Analysis for application sub-sector
Future Needs and Sectoral Intelligence definition

Work Package 6
Training and Education
This work package will be developing designs for courses and other social learning expeditions, define and make education setups for new work roles, develop and gather Open Educational Resources (OER), bridge learning before and at work in a lifelong learning development, develop a customised process-based agile blended learning (ICT-integrative) model, develop adaptive learning solutions, make use of recognition of prior learning, make solutions for addressing individual knowledge and skills gaps in effective ways, develop new models for learning at the workplace as augmented learning and simulations, and so on.
Review of state-of art of job roles, skills needs, existing education and training the batteries for electromobility sector.