

The ALBATTS Courses are available through the Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA), an association created through the bridging of the projects ALBATTS and DRIVES activities.


Click in a selected course to have acess to it. You will also need to login/register to the ASA Learning Platform (for free).


Batteries Basics

Introduction to the Battery Sector
Introduction to the Battery Sector

This unit is structured in 5 modules, where you will learn about the major steps of battery history and inventions, the global value chain of batteries and an overview of the battery market and its main players. Additionally, the most important applications will be identified, as well as the main impacts of this industry at the environmental and social levels.


Battery Fundamentals
Battery Fundamentals

In this unit, structured with 3 modules, you will find out how a battery works. Starting from the electrochemical reactions that occur to create an electric current, students will learn about the battery components and how a battery operates, ending with the most important battery characteristics and functionalities.


Types of Batteries
Types of Batteries

In this unit, you will first learn about the battery geometries available and the types and categories of batteries available in the market. Additionally, the most important factors will be identified, so as to analyse and compare the batteries, needed when selecting the best one for a given application.


Future Trends
Future Trends

In this unit, you will learn about current battery performance advances, trends, and future directions. You will start with an overview and comparative analysis of the actual trends in battery technologies, followed by the actual trends in the battery manufacturing and recycling industries.


EU Policies and Regulations
EU Policies and Regulations

In this unit, structured with 3 modules, you will first learn about the main UN agreements adopted by the EU and an overview of the EU Green Deal and how it is affecting the legal requirements related to batteries, including the Battery Passport, and how it contributes for a sustainable battery industry and its integration into the circular economy.


Raw Materials, Mining and Refining
Raw Materials, Mining and Refining

This unit is divided into 3 modules, where you will learn about the types of materials used for lithium battery manufacturing by the cathode and anode sides, their characteristics, and how is processed the mining and refining of those materials. After you will find the types of electrolytes used in different types of batteries. Finally, you will look at the types of materials used for the battery modules/pack production, mainly the metals and plastics used.


Manufacturing Processes
Manufacturing Processes

This unit is divided into 3 modules, where you will learn about the steps for lithium-ion battery manufacturing, their order, and the relative costs of production of the different battery components. After you will find the manufacturing processes of electrodes, both cathode and anode and the selection of the correct electrolyte. Finally, you will look at the manufacturing processes of each cell geometry.


Integration Process (version 2)
Integration Process (version 2)

In this unit, you will learn about the integration process of the elements that constitute a battery. You will start with an overview of the generic integration process, and then go through all the different steps of integration: from the assembly of a battery cell to the assembly of battery modules and packs, the integration of these with the Battery Management System and finally the system integration.


Automotive Battery System Engineer
Automotive Battery System Engineer

This unit is targeted at System and Software Engineers from the automotive sector coping with the development of whole Battery Systems as well as dedicated Battery Management Systems. The course highlights the importance of Functional Safety and Cybersecurity aspects in the development of Battery Management Systems together with the Testing and Homologation procedures for Battery Packs and Systems.


Introduction to Safety in Batteries
Introduction to Safety in Batteries

In this unit, structured with 2 modules, you will learn about the importance of safety when working with batteries, as well as the risks and dangers associated with batteries and with each step of the battery value chain.


Electrical Safety
Electrical Safety
In this unit, structured with 2 modules, you will learn about the importance of electrical safety when working with batteries, and the safety measures associated.



Battery Fires
Battery Fires
In this unit, structured with 3 modules, you will learn about the importance of fire safety related to batteries, the thermal runaway phenomenon and the associated safety strategies.



Batteries Stationary Applications
Batteries Stationary Applications

In this unit, structured with 6 topics, you will learn about Battery Energy Storage (BES), the associated technology and its applications in the market. You will also learn about the service and maintenance of BES and the risks associated with its use.


Second Life & Recycling of Batteries
Second Life & Recycling of Batteries
This unit is structured in 4 modules, where you will learn about the recycling of batteries its importance, the different processes of recycling and the environmental concerns. Additionally, some 2nd life applications will be identified, as well as the way to collect and sort batteries.


Batteries Operations / Applications
Batteries Operations / Applications

In this unit, you will first learn about the battery operation in portable electronics, the specific case of power tools and the types and categories of batteries available in mobile applications. Then you will focus on stationary battery applications and on the pros & cons of battery implementation for energy storage. Finally, you will learn about the environmental benefits and impacts of battery applications.


Battery English: Terms and Concepts
Battery English: Terms and Concepts

This course is designed specifically for individuals working within or with the battery sector and related fields catering to professionals seeking to enhance their industry-specific language skills and technical communication. This training unit addresses general terms and concepts related with batteries.


Battery English: Safety of Batteries
Battery English: Safety of Batteries

This course is designed specifically for individuals working within or with the battery sector and related fields catering to professionals seeking to enhance their industry-specific language skills and technical communication. This training unit addresses safety of batteries.


Battery English: Quality
Battery English: Quality
This course is designed specifically for individuals working within or with the battery sector and related fields catering to professionals seeking to enhance their industry-specific language skills and technical communication. This training unit addresses quality terms.



Battery English: Tools and Equipment for Electricians
Battery English: Tools and Equipment for Electricians
This course is designed specifically for individuals working within or with the battery sector and related fields catering to professionals seeking to enhance their industry-specific language skills and technical communication. This training unit adresses terms related to tools and equipment used by Electricians.



Soft Skills for the Battery Industry
Soft Skills for the Battery Industry
This course aims to equip teachers with essential soft skills to implement soft skills in students' education, as well as to increase knowledge about effective communication, leadership, and collaboration as a basis for various soft skills. Through theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, participants will develop their interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and adaptability for the coming working life.



 Cell preparation and evaluation on a Lab-scale
Cell preparation and evaluation on a Lab-scale

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of various aspects related to electrode materials and battery technology. Participants will explore fundamental and applied methodologies, including battery production, characterisation, manufacturing, and testing on a laboratory scale.

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